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Once Again

And here I am again.

This marks the start of a new journey, my second trip down the road of EMC. While I feel like I’m familiar with the path in which I am suppose to walk, I’m trying not to fool myself. I feel as if I know what the twists and turns are going to be, but that’s what I thought last time and we all know how “smooth” the last year was. When I say that this year is going to be a new journey, I am not kidding. While I’m not jumping into a whole new realm I am taking a different approach.

This year I want to look into genetics and how it is connected to our personality. The topic actually sprouted from a casual conversation in a place where most of my ideas come from, the library desk. It was a slow Help Desk block; nothing particularly exciting was happening and I was in the ‘waiting for other people’s responses’ phase in my EMC project so I decided to go out to the library desk to see what was happening. As Mr. Bott, Mrs. Gergen, Mrs. McKee and I were talking, we happened to bring up the topic of siblings and how children act differently depending on their birth order. As I was leaving to go back to the Help Desk Room at the end of our conversation, Mrs. Gergen said “maybe this could be your next EMC project.” You know that ah-ha moment where the light bulb goes off, this was one of them.

A few months after that conversation, I am still as passionate about my topic as I was initially. From the research I have done so far, I have found that I must dig deep into genetics to really get an answer. While I thought that there would be a concrete answer out there, it seems as if scientists are still working on finding connections between personality and genetics. As of now, my plan is to temporarily split up the topics of genetics and personality and investigate each area separately. This would not only allow me to develop a deeper understanding for both elements but help me in connecting them later on.

I’m truly eager to get deeper into this topic and explore another one of my curiosities. Even though I am upset that this is going to be the last time I get to do a research project in this course, I am happy that I can not only get another opportunity to learn more on the human body but also be able to learn more about myself as a student and as a person this year. Time to start this journey one last time.



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