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Planning and Methods

Today, I sat down with Mr. Bott to create a calendar for my project. Acknowledging that whether or not I like it, time is limited. For this next month, I will be focusing on methodology.

Methodology, for my project, involves the surveying techniques. Forming this survey has been more complicated than I imagined. There are so many different questions out there and tests of various lengths. However, I did find Frank’s personality survey which I hope to manipulate to create mine. I hope to take some of the questions he uses and modify them, so I can shorten the test. No high schooler, including me, has time for a 15 minute survey. Also, I still have to sort out the sibling issue. How will I be asking this question? There are so many interpretations of birth order and siblings that the choices can be many. This section in my paper will consist of more information on my survey and justification for my decisions.

Aside from my project, there is another bigger event occuring in EMC: the January Event. Since this is a new addition to the course, I’m curious to see what will come of it. There is so much productivity that occurs in a Roundtable from students just talking to one another. But in this event, we are being questioned by people who are questioning professionals, such as lawyers. I haven’t met with Mikayla, my partner for the January day, yet but we hope to meet this week. While our projects are very different, there are connections that can be made. At first, I was perplexed that I was partnered with Mikayla; I couldn’t find any relation between our projects. I am studying personality genetics, examining how birth order influences personality, and Mikayla’s looking at ethical consumerism. However, after reading some of her journals, especially the one where she responded to Tima’s questions, I realized that both of us are dealing with psychology. Both projects look at why people act the way they do. What influences our thinking and the actions we make? I think we could take this idea and turn it into something. I’m not sure what, because both Mikayla and I should discuss first, but I think we can grow a presentation from it.



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