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Goal Post

It’s sort of strange to think that the year is almost over in two months, I think it’s the mound of snow outside throwing me off. In all seriousness, it’s crazy to think that in two months, we will be in symposium prep mode. My overall goal for this time period is to simply wrap things up.

My immediate goal, in which I hope to achieve within the next week, is to finish analyzing my 305 survey results. While I have finished more than a third of it right now, there is still much more left to go through. After scoring the responses, I want to lay the scoring sheets all out (not literally, I have A LOT of scoring sheets) and start finding connects. I hope to start out with seeing what makes sense according to Frank and start grouping them to perform a statistical analysis. Next, I hope to look at the influences and abnormal trait levels and finding correlations between the two. These finding will be talked about in my methods section of the paper. This section is what I’ve been dying to do but couldn’t. By writing about the “meat” of my thesis, I hope to be able to write the other ones. I feel like once I have this section done, I can finally be able to create a cohesive, logical and thorough paper.

Another thing which has been on my mind recently is the STEAM Expo. Last year, I wasn't interested in going to the Expo because I didn’t know how I could mould my project to fit the requirements. This year, I really think that I have the potential to use two elements of STEAM to enhance my project. Through conversations I have had with my peers and Mr. Bott, I think using mathematics to create an algorithm to explain my findings would help in developing the narrative I am creating. These algorithms wouldn’t be anything too complicated but something simple to easily represent what Frank and I are talking about.



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