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Change of Pace

I just got bored.

After finding myself digging through numerous articles, I just wanted a break. I couldn’t pull myself to read another article for the day so I decided to look for what other mediums of information were out there. I came upon a TED talk by a personality researcher named Brian Little. The talk titled, “Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality”, helped me grasp the concept of personality.

If you would like to check it out, here is the link:

The focus of the talk, or the topic he spent the most time on, was the five dimensions of personality. He discussed the differences between an introvert, extrovert, a neurotic person, a stable person and other types of individuals. While I had knowledge of these factors from reading an article, my understanding wasn’t very strong. I, to be honest, was a little uncertain on some of the unfamiliar traits. I felt as if the speaker in this talk did a great job of making these aspects easier to understand for a commoner. He used humor and anecdotes to draw connections between the audience.

Watching this TED talk made me realize that other forms of information are just as important than articles. While articles are often used and useful, they shouldn’t be thought of as the go-to form of information. Mediums, such as videos, have the ability to convey information in a more approachable and easy to understand form which is essential in building the foundation for a larger project.



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