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Operation Collaboration

I think one of the hardest elements of this course is enforcing collaboration. I know many of us EMC students struggle with this, at least I know I do. This assignment, in my opinion, is to serve two purposes:

  1. Help us learn more about other people’s projects

  2. Get feedback

While everybody’s project is different, we have similarities. The only thing is that we have to find these similarities for ourselves. By doing this assignment, we are made to realize these connections and help our peers. I will be questioning Shika’s project. To be honest, I have only looked at Shika’s website a few times and have read a few of her first journals. I’m interested to see the progress she has made since earlier this school year.


  1. Regarding Journal #1. How do you think journalling is different to analyzing? What are the similarities, if any, between the two? Can analyzing be journaling?

  2. Regarding Journal #3. How can one know if they are allergic to a GMO? For example, say I wasn’t allergic to corn but am allergic to genetically modified corn. Is there any special testing to discover this?

  3. Regarding Journal #3. Are GMO ingredients currently being tested in a standard allergy test?

  4. Regarding Journal #8. What’s is the problem with using second generation seeds? How do they impact plants and consumers?

  5. Regarding Journal #9. You mention the pros and cons of GMOs. What are the cons of GMOs in regard to nutrition, health and the market?

  6. Why are GMOs deemed bad if they are actually seemingly better?

  7. How are developing nations using GMOs to their benefit? Is this a cost effective measure that spurs progress in a nation?

  8. Regarding Goal Post #1. What countries are strictly GMO vs strictly organic?

  9. How can we give everybody access to healthy, non GMO foods regardless of socioeconomic status?

  10. Why does the market push GMOs towards low to middle class Americans who have other financial obligations besides grocery shopping?

  11. What is the FDA’s stance on GMOs?

  12. What side is the FDA on? Are they really siding with the ‘right’ choice? Are they out to protect those who they represent?

  13. Regarding September Journal. How have the motivations of GMO companies changes and what pushed these changes?

  14. Regarding 9/29 Journal. So aren’t there any regulation put on GMO companies?

  15. Are there any pieces of legislation being discussed regarding GMOs and food labeling?

  16. What are the policies outline by the FDA for food companies? Do they enable the work of Monsanto's company?

  17. Hasn’t the government seen the crookedness of these companies?

  18. What are the policies of other countries regarding food labelling?

  19. How much profit is Monsanto’s company making in relation to an farmer?

  20. Is the federal government granting subsidies to farmers or any healthy food producers?

Shika’s project seems very interesting; it is very important that people know what they are consuming. I’m happy to see that she has narrowed down her topic because her earlier journals covered many different subtopics which would have been hard to cover in just a year. While examining her journals, I found them to be a little repetitive. I encourage her to really start digging deeper an examining components of this topic. It might be helpful to create a web/diagram or perform a HOTQ exercise (yes, I said a HOTQ. It was just not my favorite assignment but the questions were fine. Sorry Mr. Bott). I suggest that she looks into scholarly articles, databases and maybe some government websites (to learn more about the government’s role in this issue). This will help push her further into her project. Overall, I think Shika has a good start and I’m excited to see where this year will take her.



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